KINGAZI BLOG: 06/23/16


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Thursday, June 23, 2016


1. When meeting, Masons do not discuss religion or politics.
"There are certain subjects which are prevented or we simply proscribe from discussing within the lodge," Piers Vaughan, master of St. John's Lodge #1 in New York, told Mo Rocca. "And religion is one. Politics is another."
One of the world's leading experts on Freemasonry confirms.
"Do they discuss forms of politics and events that have happened? Yes, they do," said UCLA history professor Margaret Jacob. "Do they say, 'Well, I'm a Democrat and therefore I think ...' Or, 'I'm a Republican ... ' No, I don't think they do that."
2. Freemasonry is not a religion.
"Freemasonry has the look of a religion," said Jacob. "You think of religion as ritual, there's also this ritual element. But there are no priests, there are no ministers, there are no rabbis, there's no system of clergy of any sort. Everybody's their own thinker."

3. The Catholic Church condemns Freemasonry.
Jacob said the initial response to Freemasonry in continental Europe, particularly in Catholic Europe, was suspicion from seeing "all these men [from] different neighborhoods, different professions meeting in the cafe, breaking bread together, doing rituals, what could this be? Political conspiracy or religion."
In 1738 the Catholic Church condemned Freemasonry, and has since issued about 20 decrees -- directly or indirectly -- against the fraternity. In 1983 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) re-affirmed this position.
4. Atheists are not welcome.
Freemasonry is not a religion per se, but agnostics or atheists cannot belong, said Brent Morris, a Masonic historian, editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, and a 33rd degree Freemason.
"This is an organization of believers," he said. "When it was started on a formal basis in 1717, many historians believe that it was trying to bridge the gap between the religious civil wars that had been going on in England at the time. The Catholics would get in power and beat up on the Protestants; the Protestants would get in power and beat up on the Catholics; and everyone was beating up on the Jews.
"So when the Freemasons were formed, [they] said, 'Here's a group of men that agree that God is central in their lives, they can even agree that God compels them to do good in the community, then they can shut up after that." That was a radical concept -- that men could get together and agree on that fundamental level, and then get on with their lives."
So could an atheist join? No, said James Sullivan, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York: "The reason we, I think in the past, wanted somebody that had a belief in a supreme being is because we take certain obligation to be a good man, to support the fraternity. And if you didn't have a belief in a supreme being, the obligation would mean nothing."
5. Most of the Founding Fathers were NOT Freemasons.
Two of America's earliest presidents, George Washington and James Monroe, were Freemasons, as were Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and Paul Revere. But many leading figures in the American Revolution -- including John and Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Thomas Paine -- were not Masons.

Of the 56 figures who signed the Declaration of Independence, only nine were confirmed Masons, according to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania; and of the 39 delegates of the Continental Congress who signed the draft of the new nation's Constitution in 1787, only 13 (one-third) were Freemasons.
6. There are NO secret Masonic symbols on the U.S. dollar bill.
The back of the dollar bill features an incomplete pyramid with an eye on top of it. Many people -- including some Freemasons -- say it's a Masonic symbol, but that's not the case. UCLA's Margaret Jacob says these symbols have been used by many different groups, including Masons, throughout history.
"I'm sure there are a lot of Freemasons who want to believe [they're Masonic symbols] and who will tell it to you, because it makes the Lodges seem important," Jacob said. "I mean, if you have a symbol on the dollar bill, that's a big deal!"
Brent Morris said there are two types of people who want to promote the idea that the symbols are Masonic: "The pro-Masons and the anti-Masons -- and that pretty well covers the universe.
"The Eye of God is a common icon for God looking over the affairs of man," Morris said. "It's an icon that appears in cultures across the centuries. The uncompleted pyramid [which also appeared on a 50-pound Colonial note] represented that our country was not yet completed, that we were continuing to grow."
7. The Shriners are Freemasons.
The Shriners (known formally as the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine), the charity organization best known in the popular mind for driving tiny cars in parades, are an off-shoot of the Masons. They run 22 children's hospitals where patients don't pay a cent.
"You must be a Mason to become a Shriner," said Morris.
8. The secret Masonic password originated as a job tool
Masonry began as a guild for stone masons who built the castles and cathedrals of Medieval Europe. "If you were a baker, a miller, a brewer, you could spend your entire life in one village practicing your trade," said Morris. "If you are a mason, after they repair the church or build the town hall, there might not be any mason work in that town for decades, so you had to move to another jobsite.
"Now, you're illiterate; the officers of the lodge are probably illiterate. So that's why they believe the Masons' word came into effect. It allowed the craftspeople to move from one jobsite to another and identify themselves as being part of the trade union.
"We have evidence in Scotland going back to the early 1600s that the Masons' word existed, and [that] was how you as a Mason in Edinburgh could identify yourself to a Mason in Lancashire that you were a member of the guild and could have work."
"Are there secret handshakes?" asked Rocca.
"Oh, secret handshakes, of course," replied Morris. "I mean, what's the point of having a password if you don't have a handshake?"
9. There is no hidden Masonic code on Rolling Rock beer bottles.
Introduced in 1939, the Rolling Rock brand of beer, from the Latrobe Brewing Company of Pennsylvania, ends a statement on its label with the cryptic "33." Over the years it has been suggested that it refers to the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
According to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Freemasonry" (Alpha), Latrobe insists the "33" refers to 1933, the year Prohibition ended.

Rais Magufuli Atoa onyo kali. Kwa wa wafanyakazi.

RAIS wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Dk John Magufuli amewaonya wanasiasa wanaomchelewesha kufanya kazi ya kuwatumikia Watanzania.

Rais Magufuli ameyasema hayo muda mfupi uliopita baada ya kupokea ripoti ya Uchaguzi Mkuu wa mwaka 2015 kutoka kwa Tume ya Taifa ya Uchaguzi (NEC).

Amesema haiwezekani uchaguzi umepita na mshindi amepatikana lakini wanasiasa hao wanaendeleza siasa ilhali wananchi wanataka watumikiwe wapate maendeleo.

Rais amesema hatawavumilia viongozi wa siasa wenye lengo baya na nchi na kuwataka waweke maslahi ya Taifa mbele badala ya vyama vyao.

Amewataka kufanya siasa baada ya miaka mitano ambapo wananchi watawapima kile walichokifanya kwa muda wote huo.

Awali Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Taifa ya Uchaguzi, Jaji Mstaafu Damian Lubuva alisema suala la Kura ya Maoni halikusitishwa kama baadhi ya watu wanavyosema bali iliahirishwa kwa kuwa wakati kura hiyo ilipotakiwa kupigwa Aprili Mwaka jana, Tume ilikuwa na jukumu kubwa la kuandaa uchaguzi Mkuu.

Kutokana na hali hiyo, Jaji Lubuva alisema Tume haikuwa na uwezo wa kubeba mambo mawili makubwa kwa wakati mmoja. Jaji Lubuva amesema kutokana na zoezi la Uchaguzi Mkuu kumalizika rasmi, Tume iko tayari kuanza mchakato wa kura ya maoni.

Kuhusu suala hilo la Kura ya Maoni, Rais Dk Magufuli amemhakikishia Jaji Lubuva kuwa serikali italiamualia mara baada ya Tume kulifikisha serikalni.

NACTE yatoa wito kwa wadau wa elimu kutoa maoni ya utendaji wake

Kaimu Katibu Mkuu wa  Baraza la Taifa la Elimu ya Ufundi (NACTE) Dk .Adolf Rutayuga, (Kulia) akisisitiza jambo kwa waandishi wa habari leo jijini Dar es Salaam wakati alipokuwa ikitoa kwa Umma na wadau wa elimu kutoa maoni ya utendaji wake.Katikati ni Mkurugenzi Udhibiti Ubora Rasmalimali watu , Edmund Kinwasi na Kaimu Mkurugenzi  Idara ya  Ufuatiliaji  Tathimini na Uthibiti wa baraza hilo , Christina Kumwenda.

Na Mwandishi Wetu

Ikiwa ni sehemu ya kuazimisha wiki ya utumishi wa umma nchini, Baraza la Taifa la Elimu ya Ufundi (NACTE) limeutaka umma na wadau wa elimu kutoa mrejesho juu ya huduma zinazotolewa na Baraza hilo ili kuweza kuboresha huduma zake.

Taarifa kwa vyombo vya habari iliyotolewa na Baraza hilo na kusainiwa na Kaimu Katibu Mkuu wa  Baraza la Taifa la Elimu ya Ufundi (NACTE) Dk .Adolf Rutayuga ilisema Baraza linatoa fursa hiyo ya pekee kuanzia tarehe 23 mpaka tarehe 27 mwezi huu.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo, Baraza katika kipindi hicho kitapokea mrejesho juu ya utendaji wake na changamoto mbali mbali ambazo wadau wa elimu wanakutana nazo wanapota kupata huduma kutoka NACTE.

Zoezi hili litafanyika kuanzia saa nne asubuhi mpaka saa nane mchana katika jengo la udahili NACTE makao makuu lililopo eneom la viwanda vidogo Mikocheni jijini Dar es Salaam jirani na Chuo Cha Kodi jijini Dar es Salaam. Kwa wale waliopo mikoani huduma hiyo itatolewa katika ofisi zetu za kanda,” ilisema sehemu ya taarifa hiyo.

Taarifa hiyo ilitaja ofisi za kanda zitakazopokea mrejesho ni pamoja na zile zilizopo mikoa ya  Arusha, Dodoma, Mbeya, Mtwara, Tabora, Mwanza na Zanzibar.

Baraza la Taifa la Elimu ya Ufundi (NACTE) ni chombo kilichoanzishwa kwa Sheria ya Bunge Sura ya 129, kwa lengo la kusimamia na kuratibu taaluma zitolewazo na taasisi na vyuo vva elimu ya ufundi nchini, ambavyo siyo vyuo vikuu au vyuo vikuu vishiriki.

Jukumu kubwa la Baraza ni kuendeleza na kuinua ubora wa elimu ya ufundi nchini kwa kusimamia kikamilifu shughuli za uendeshaji mafunzo ili tuzo zitolewazo na taasisi na vyuo ziwe na ubora unaokubalika kitaifa na kimataifa.


Mwandishi;Tito emmanuel
REPOST:Una mizigo mingi isiyo ya lazima wala faida ambayo umeibeba:

1.Umejipa jukumu la kuwa "mpelelezi" maisha ya wengine na umesahau maisha yako.

2.Umebeba vinyongo na visasi moyoni vinavyokufanya uwafikirie waliokuumiza zaidi kuliko kufikiria furaha na maendeleo yako.

3. Una marafiki wengi ambao ni kama kupe, wapo kukutumia tu na hawachangii lolote katika maendeleo zaidi ya  kujifanya ndio watu wako karibu lakini kumbe wapo kwa maslahi yao!

4.Umeweka mbele zaidi "watu watanichukuliaje" kuliko kuangalia maisha yako.Watu ndio wanakuchagulia aina ya maisha unayoishi na unajilazimisha kuishi kama wao hata kama huna uwezo huo.

5.Unaongea zaidi ya kasuku lakini vitendo hakuna.Unatamani mafanikio tu moyoni lakini huna mipango ya kuyafikia

6.Maisha yako yote umeyaweka kwenye mitandao ya kijamii.Huna siri hata moja!Hivyo unalazimika kuishi aina ya maisha ambayo yataendelea kufanana na yale uliyoyaweka kwenye mitandao ya jamii kwa sababu ukibadilika tu watasema "umefulia"

7.Kila aliefanikiwa ni rafiki yako au utasema ni mtu wako wa karibu na unaishia kuwasifia tu na kupiga nao picha lakini hujifunzi kutokana na mafanikio yao na wala hutumii fursa hiyo ya kujuana nao.

8.Upo sahihi kila siku(you are always right). Huambiliki, hushauriki na kila wazo atakalotoa mwenzako basi si zuri ila la kwako ndio sahihi na utataka litekelezwe hilo hilo. Mwisho wa siku kila mtu anakukimbia hakuna wa kukuambia "hapa umekosea" kwa sababu ya ujuaji wako.

9.Hujifunzi maarifa mapya.Mara ya mwisho kusoma kitabu ilikuwa ni "Ngoswe, penzi kitovu cha uzembe" Tena ni kwa sababu ilikuwa ni kwa ajili ya kujibia mtihani. Hujifunzi "life skills" wala ujuzi mwingine.

10.Unazurura mno mitandaoni bila faida. Kwako wewe intaneti ni kwa ajili ya kuchati tu na kufuatilia habari za mjini ambazo tangu umeanza kuzifuatilia hujawahi kuingiza hata shilingi moja, zaidi unateketeza tu hela  yako ya vocha.

_ISHUSHE hiyo mizigo kama kweli inahitaji kusonga mbele!
Hapo utafanikiwa_



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